- This is my first electric guitar cover i upploaded on youtube and master of puppets is hardest song I can play so only uploaded the intro I am only 11 years old so. Hope you liked it. My guitar is an
- Follow @jacehall on twitter!
World of Warcraft.
To download the song go to: www.jacehallshow.com/iplaywow
I Play WOW
Cant nobody mess with me now
Im on a quest with my guil
- Subscribe and enjoy ;)
Verse 1
You're like a question without answer
You're like a book without letters or words
You're nothing to have
Nothing to dream about at all
'coz you were just a dream
- Jag vill att denna video ska bli så känd så möjligt så jag ber er om ni kan Gilla/Dela videon så kanske pewdiepie kan se den! Det betyder VÄLDIGT mycket om ni kan bara gilla/dela