Mest gillat 2014 Sida 16 / 21 | Föregående | Nästa
- Här är hela finalen + prisutdelningen och fyrverkerierna i slutet.
Årets SSC-tävling på Bruksvallen i Karlsborgsverken slutade med nedanstående resultat:
Vinnare: Ståle Eggen #799
2:a plats: Adam
- Trunk of an old tree fell on the high-voltage wires, which almost immediately got rid of it
- Apparently, the dog get the itch for something over the fence. He was lucky that he could jump, otherwise it could cling to the wire. Adroit dog!
Artful bully
- He succeeded open a door that opens onto itself.
- This video was filmed in one of the local supermarkets. Man always wears a rather large dog on his shoulder. Here it is, the true love and care for the pet!
- Darwin Awards would be ensured.