- They're back! And this time, they performed another chart-topping hit.
Sophia Grace and Rosie sang ³Rolling in the Deep." From rap to a soulful
jazz song, these two always know how to work the crowd
- W O R M
Martin Lindgren
Marcus Kallstrom
Jesper Olsson
Sebastian Lundkvist
Filip Öhman
1. Enter sandman
2. Detox
3. Sweet child of mine
4. For whom the bell tolls
- Alla svenska Eurovision-vinnare hittills, 1958-2007...
Ingen idé att skirva elaka kommentarer, de komer ändå inte att sparas...
All the swedish winners of Eurovision Song Contest so far, 1958 to
- It's stomacless to let your friends eat dessert alone.
Who's that Finnish dude?
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