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Vinnaren i Chinas Got Talent 07:06
- Vinnaren in kinesiska Talang blev en armlös man som kan simma, sjunga, spela piano etc utan sina armar. Hans namn är Liu Wei. Sköna citat från honom: "I have two options - I can die as fast as possib
Coolt 14 okt 2010   Av: Jesper   Klick: 5 885  
- Please like,comment,share and SUBSCRIBE! This game is really stupid! Download: http://sumotori-dreams.en.softonic.com/http://sumotori-dreams.en.softonic.com/
Coolt 2 jun 2012   Av: fgh2   Klick: 3 697  
Sumotori Dreams - Ep.2 02:29
- Please subscribe :D Please like :D Please favorite :D Please share :D
Coolt 2 jun 2012   Av: fgh2   Klick: 2 957  
Minecraft 2D mod + Terraria Mode 02:35
- Please subscribe :D Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1119751-2d-craft-mod-minecraft-125-offical/ Please like :D Please favorite :D Please share :D Tags: Minecraft wolf bowl Icon D
Coolt 2 jun 2012   Av: fgh2   Klick: 5 002  
- Imponerande trots att personen i fråga är läskig
Coolt 30 okt 2011   Av: Daenon   Klick: 3 851  
Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song, 40 Songs, Same Chords 05:31
- Almost every popsong that is created in todays music business has two intentions: Make money and make the music creators and the ones that plays the music bigger and more famous. Therefore they use a
Coolt 16 jan 2012   Av: rydellen   Klick: 3 214  
Imponerande improvisation 03:46
- Jim Meskimen utför ett känt Shakespeare tal
Coolt 21 jul 2011   Av: Daenon   Klick: 2 514