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Animerat 19 aug 2011   Av: Daenon   Klick: 2 995  
HuK vs MakaPrime - Game 1 - PvT - Blizzcon Tournament - StarCraft 2 15:22
- This series is from the round of 4 at the Blizzcon tournament. Map: Steppes of War HuK (Protoss) vs MakaPrime (Terran)
Coolt 2 nov 2010   Av: archetype   Klick: 2 998  
WhiteRa vs NexGenius - Game 1 - PvP - Blizzcon Tournament - StarCraft 2 09:03
- This series is from the round of 4 at the Blizzcon tournament. Map: Metalopolis WhiteRa (Red) Protoss vs NexGenius (Blue) Protoss
Coolt 2 nov 2010   Av: archetype   Klick: 3 034