- SU-35BM hot on my tail. Javelin missiles locked on from the ground. Flares wouldn't do any good. There was only one reasonable option.
Music - Battlefield 1943 Theme
Created by 2 Huge Donkey Kong Fans: Chad Nikolaus & Angie Griffin
My favorite game game game game
Was one i played in the arcade cade cade cade
Those flaming barrells were a pain pai
- Who's this week's biggest Vidiot? Tell us in the Comments section!
Happy Holidays from Vidiots - Santa drops in, a kid gets violated, and a snowboarder takes a hit - from the ground!
- Oh, he doesn't smell like Irish Spring,
And he never taught me anything,
But still I slap my chest and sing -
Of My Drunken Irish Dad.
Oh, his face looks like a railroad map,
And he never shuts h
- Lyrics
My favorite game game game game
Was one i played in the arcade cade cade cade
Those flaming barrells were a pain pain pain pain
The first is still my favorite stage stage stage stage
- En musikvideo innehållande en strippande jesus, lamor och skön musik
DOWNLOAD MP3/WAV: https://soundcloud.com/robotbroberg/levitate-hare-hare-mp3
You only live a thousand lives
We have a millio